Bastrop County Water District (District) uses positive displacement water meters manufactured in accordance with Standards established by the American Water Works Association. The meters are produced to exact specifications using high quality materials. All meters are tested for accuracy by the manufacturer before shipping.
The meter is located in a “Meter Box” which protects the meter from damage and allows access. There is also a shutoff valve located before the meter which allows water service to be shut off in order to make a repair or change out the meter. In many cases, there is also a valve located after the meter.
The District owns the meter and all the water pipes from the meter box back to the water main in the street. The owner of the property owns and is responsible for the water service line from the meter to the house as well as any in-home or property piping.
As water flows through the meter, the mechanical device inside the meter is displaced according to the volume of the water used. The rotating feature is counted by a sealed register head. The meter cannot and will not record usage unless water flows through it.
Customers sometimes contact the District expressing concern over a high bill and wonder if there is a faulty meter involved. Once again, the meter cannot spin unless water flows through it. We can’t tell where the water goes once it is through the meter. It is possible that a meter can be misread and we often reread meters if the District or the customer has a concern over an abnormal bill.
Most meters in the District’s systems are equipped with Automated Meter Reading (AMR). A feature that allows the meter to be read by a device that transmits the meter reading through a radio frequency to a specially equipped device that collects the reading on a computer. The automation allows for minimal errors and allows us to keep the operating costs of reading meters to a minimum.
A water main is a large pipe usually located under the road’s edge. The service line is connected to the main and carries water from the main through the meter to a building (home or business. The water main is owned and maintained by Bastrop County Water District (District). Ownership and responsibility for the service is line is divided in two:
1. The District owns and is responsible for the service line from the water main to and including the meter box. Any repairs or maintenance on this section of the service line is the responsibility of the District. The District also owns and is responsible for the meter itself.
2. The portion of the service line, from the point of connection to the meter box and after, is owned and is the responsibility of the property owner.
The District is not permitted to work on any portion of the service line owned by the customer.
Repairs made to the property owner’s portion of the service line can be made using materials and craftsmanship as decided by the homeowner. The District strongly advises that repairs be made using only materials approved for use in a potable water supply and that they be made by an individual with experience in potable water system work. If a shut off valve is not already installed at or near the building this would be a good time to do so.