All Customers within BCWCID2 Service Area will soon see contractors working in the neighborhood for the next 2-3 months. The District is moving forward with a water meter upgrade project. In general, their employees will come onto the property to the water meter box, turn the water off to make the change, then once completed, turn the water back on and flush the line out.
The process generally takes 15-20 minutes.
You may experience some milky looking water, which is just air in the lines. It is normal and nothing to be alarmed over. It will clear up very soon once the water is being used. It is not harmful in any way. The Contractors will be wearing bright green t-shirts, hoodies or jackets, like pictured below and the white trucks or van, is what they will be working out of.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the office. 512-321-1688